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Helping to add value to your business

Business & HR Support, HR Consultancy Services, HR Solutions, Coaching Staff Recruitment & Training & More. *information that details more about services provided in location**


HR Support & Advice

Navigating you through treacherous seas.


Employee Engagement

Helping you go above and beyond with your team


Interim & Consultancy

Adding value from day one


Recruitment & Selection

Selecting the right fish in the sea


Business Coaching

Maximising you and your teams potential


Business Training

The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Your People

YOUR LOCAL hr specialists

HR Consultancy Services in Wolverhampton

Can you imagine working with an unhappy workforce? If you already have, then you’ll have seen first hand how damaging it can be. Decreased efficiency, low staff morale, employee conflict, poor motivation and an overall reduction in business.


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Why choose our HR Consultants in Wolverhampton

The staff are the lifeblood of your company and an effective HR management system is what keeps the pulse of your firm ticking over. Having quality HR procedures is the skeleton key to growth since it creates an environment for your employees to flourish and help you deliver results that go above and beyond expectations.

From start-ups finding their feet to SMEs, through to large corporations, we have helped businesses of all sizes in Wolverhampton to unlock their full potential through our expertise in HR.

We encompass a range of HR solutions designed to streamline specific aspects of your human resource management systems. Each of our solutions are tailored to clients’ needs, promising to create a more cohesive and happy workforce.

Join the hundreds of happy Business from across the midlands


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HR Support & Advice

Are you haphazardly guessing at what HR procedure to implement? Poor decision making can impede on employee performance and satisfaction. Our pragmatic approach removes this threat by giving you the best solutions to tackling issues relating to staff.


  • Small Business HR Time is an asset that always seems to evade SMEs which inevitably pushes HR further down the list of priorities. We remove this burden and do all of the heavy lifting for you, allowing your business to focus on working towards its goals.
  • Breathe HR Our online platform provides a more streamlined process for managing employees without having to leave your seat. From staff data reports to holiday requests, through to important employee documentation, you can manage your entire workforce in front of your computer screen.

Business Coaching and Mentoring

The growth of your business is dependent on your ability to lead and extract all of the talents in your workforce. Our programme involves putting your skills and talents under the microscope to create a tailored programme designed to facilitate your development as a business leader.


  • Employee Engagement What is the driving force behind your staff? How do you get your workforce to go the extra mile? We sit down and give you advice on how to see the best returns of investment from your employees.
  • Personality Profiling High staff turnover is expensive. Avoid the pitfalls when recruiting staff through our special personality profiling programme designed to weed out the best candidates for your business.

Providing A Large Choice of HR Solutions

Are you a business based in Wolverhampton looking to grow?

Any business aiming to grow needs to start from the ground up. This means that everything that you do begins with your staff. Our team of experts in Wolverhampton will revamp your current HR systems to fully optimise your business internally. Working with us, you can expect:

  • Reduction in staff turnover
  • More cohesive workforce
  • Improved staff satisfaction
  • Better staff development 
  • Reduction in costs
  • Increased efficiency

 A happy workforce will make all the difference to your business. So, if you’re operating in Wolverhampton, unlock your business’ full potential by making the change now. Contact one of our HR experts today. 



Through honest, focused, responsive and innovative HR business services, we will transform people’s problems into solutions, enabling our clients to be employers of choice with an engaged and motivated workforce.