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Helping to add value to your business

Business & HR Support, HR Consultancy Services, HR Solutions, Coaching Staff Recruitment & Training & More. *information that details more about services provided in location**


HR Support & Advice

Navigating you through treacherous seas.


Employee Engagement

Helping you go above and beyond with your team


Interim & Consultancy

Adding value from day one


Recruitment & Selection

Selecting the right fish in the sea


Business Coaching

Maximising you and your teams potential


Business Training

The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Your People

Your Local HR Specialists

HR Consultancy Services in Coventry

As a leading provider of HR Services and Consultancy covering Coventry and the rest of the West Midlands, Clover HR has been supporting businesses to achieve their goals. From building tailored HR management systems and procedures to strengthening internal workforces, we can help you unlock your full potential while you focus on the growth of your business.

Our team of HR experts has worked with a large number of clients across different industries. We understand that there is no one size fits all and everyone requires different methods. From start-ups to SMEs, there is a tailored approach that works for you and your staff and we can help you identify how to make it work.

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Clover HR Helping to add Value to your Business

HR Support & Advice

Deciding on the right HR direction for your business and implementing effective processes that work for you is something many businesses struggle with. Your decisions should provide a positive impact on your employees and promote an environment where they can perform well. With the help fo our experts, you can now take the right decisions and ensure all of your staff issues are dealt with proficiently.


Small Business HR

HR encompasses a wide list of different areas that need to be overseen. From keeping up with the legislation and ensuring you stay compliant with the latest changes to managing employees and other HR policies, SMEs are the ones that often struggle with this burden. Outsourcing your HR to a team of experts will give you the freedom to focus on what really matters to you: the growth of your business.

Join the hundreds of happy Business from across the midlands

What Our Clients Think

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How can our HR Services Support your Business

We have developed a wide range of services designed to either streamline your HR efforts or completely replace them. Together with you, we can work out the best way to implement the right services so that your business can grow naturally and effortlessly.

By becoming part of your team, we get to know what your HR needs are and how to best work on a course of action. Our HR consultants will show you how to avoid difficult situations and costly mistakes and replace uncertainty with a business culture that has confidence.

From start-ups finding their feet to SMEs, through to large corporations, we have helped businesses of all sizes in Wolverhampton to unlock their full potential through our expertise in HR.

We encompass a range of HR solutions designed to streamline specific aspects of your human resource management systems. Each of our solutions are tailored to clients’ needs, promising to create a more cohesive and happy workforce.

Our Mission

To be outstanding, trusted people advisors and partners to business everyday

Through honest, focused, responsive and innovative HR support, we will transform people problems to solutions, enabling our clients to be employers of choice with an engaged and motivated workforce.