How NVIDIA Became the Poster Child for Organisational Culture NVIDIA organisational culture is a key driver behind its impressive journey from a fledgling startup in 1993 to a tech giant worth £2.3 trillion, NVIDIA's journey is a testament to visionary leadership and...
Employee Engagement
Leading Through Crisis: Lessons from OpenAI’s Employee Uprising
Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of business, understanding the dynamics of company culture, employee engagement, and loyalty is pivotal, especially for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The recent leadership crisis at OpenAI, a trailblazer in...
Green HR
The UK government has made a commitment to ‘building back greener’ to transition to net zero emissions by 2050 with COP26 making decarbonisation a business imperative. What is Green HR Green HR is when HR focuses on expanding its roles and initiatives to support a...
Employee Retention – How do Flexible Benefits help?
Employee Retention – How do Flexible Benefits help? A business’s ability to retain employees, and prevent or reduce the number of employees who choose to leave the business, is known as Employee retention. Being able to increase, or having high employee retention has...
Is It Time To Outsource Your HR?
What is the HR department for? The Human Resources department deals with your most important resource: your people. This encompasses all your employees and potentially any workers, contractors or volunteers. With such a wide scope it helps to narrow this down and look...
What are the key elements of team building?
Some teams work amazingly together and other teams fall apart at the first hurdle. Teamwork is essential for smaller companies to perform their strategic tasks in order for them to be successful, having good teamwork allows companies to use a wider range of...
Euro 2020 and Dealing with Employee Demands to Watch the Games
Euro 2020 has taken over the nation as teams are underway in the long-awaited competition. Due to the pandemic this competition was cancelled last year but has been allowed, with restrictions, to go ahead this summer. The group stages have already been played and we...
Employee Relations – What Are They and How Do They Work?
Employee relations can best be described as the relationship between employers and employees, and encompasses both the individual and collective relationships. It is essential for employers to maintain a positive relationship with employees to ensure the workforce...
How to Overcome Video Conferencing Fatigue – What Employers Can Do To Assist
When the pandemic struck in March 2020, we were all put into lockdown, which saw some workplaces close and requests for employees who could work from home to do so. Overnight businesses had to find new ways to allow them to still operate as best as they could. Video...
Performance Related Pay – Can Businesses Benefit?
What is Performance Related Pay? Performance related pay (PRP) is a process that links an employee’s salary increase to their individual performance. The concept of PRP is that performance is measured against pre-agreed objectives agreed between a manager and...
Engaging Employees Leaving Lockdown
Employee engagement is the degree to which an employee’s positive or negative feelings about their job, colleagues and company influence their willingness to learn and perform at work. Leaders play a vital role in employee engagement and their leadership style must...