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Employee Empowerment

Employee empowerment gives your employees the trust and accountability to carry out their roles to their upmost ability, leaving the responsibility for daily decision making to them.

In simple terms this is the opposite to micro-management. By removing the need to have approval for daily decisions allowing us to be more re-active to situations and move forward quicker. This is something Clover HR are proud to promote from within.

Business today moves at a rapid pace as a result of the technology available at our finger tips i.e. computers, tablets, phones etc. Communication is instant and our customers expect the same when dealing with us.

Companies that actively promote this culture within a business often benefit from cost savings which over a period of time can mount up to a significant figure.

A common cost saving within an office/call centre environment is the removal of ‘double keying’. This can be identified in teams quickly and reduced with minor tweaks to the systems. As a result of these changes the time operators are tied up on the telephone is significantly reduced allowing them to handle more calls, whilst keeping your customers satisfied too.

Often when such matters are discussed at management level these items get pushed down the list of jobs due to more critical change requirements and never reach the top of the pile. By empowering your’ staff you can achieve more.

However, getting the right culture in place to start with is key to the success of employment empowerment and this requires great investment from the business leaders for it to work. Getting all your management team onboard with this programme is the first and most important step to making this work for you.

Remember ‘no pain, no gain’ there are always pitfalls to be careful of during this process and by empowering staff to make decisions it will inevitably lead to some bad ones being made. The important thing to remember is how to deal with them.  Keeping a positive outlook and discussing ‘what went wrong and why’ will make finding a solution together easier avoiding future outcomes. After all, we are not perfect!

We are proud at Clover to have an experienced team of Consultants who have successfully delivered these initiatives into a variety of businesses. We are able to offer you expert advice and steer you through the pitfalls allowing your company to achieve its strategic goals.

Call Clover HR on 0121 516 0299 or email us at info@cloverhr.co.uk for further advice on how we can help you with employee engagement!

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