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National Inclusion Week 2022 – 26th September to 2nd October

What is National Inclusion Week?

National Inclusion Week (NIW) is a week that is dedicated to celebrating inclusion in the workplace and taking action to create inclusive workplaces.

This week was founded by Inclusive Employers and 2022 is now the 10th year this has been celebrated.

The week was created as a way to highlight and celebrate the importance of inclusion across the UK.  It can be a good opportunity for employers to engage and connect with their employees that are passionate about inclusion in the workplace.

During National Inclusion Week, events are run to help employers obtain tailored initiatives to build an inclusive culture.

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion in the Workplace is ensuring that employees do not feel discriminated and ‘left out’ due to factors such as their gender, age, religion, race or other factors.

By having inclusion in the workplace it allows employees to feel and be themselves at work, which can help to improve performance and employees feeling valued in the workplace.

2022 Theme

The theme for National Inclusion Week 2022 is:

“Time to Act: The Power of Now”

How can employers celebrate National Inclusion Week?

  • Volunteer for inclusion Charity work or to sponsor a charity promoting inclusion
  • Lead by example and ensure you are an employer who supports inclusion
  • Establish a safe space
  • Hire an expert to speak to employers in an organised event, to celebrate National Inclusion Week
  • Ensure your Company has an inclusive annual calendar, where it includes celebrations of all events that happen within a calendar year.

If employers wish to they can obtain registration for National Inclusion Week.

Join National Inclusion Week 2022

It is free to register for this and will provide access to basic resources to help employers and companies take part in National Inclusion Week.


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