2019 is here and it’s no surprise that new challenges will be here with it; this means leaders need to step up their game and what better way than setting resolutions to lessen the burdens and pressures of leadership? Leadership, a term with such diverse and flexible meaning. So what is it? It is the ability to inspire and influence necessary behaviours in their people, needed to achieve the organisation’s goals.
With that in mind, it is safe to assume that good leadership is needed to propel any workplace to thrive and achieve. So why set resolutions?
Easy. To get rid of the bad and negative behaviour and instil learning behaviour.
Here’s a few bad behaviours from a list of common leadership mistakes to avoid from Mind Tools.1
- Not providing feedback.
- Not making time for their team.
- Not being responsible for their team and misunderstanding Motivation.
- Failing to define goals and keeping to their word.
So what can leaders seek to achieve in 2019?
Firstly, leaders need to look within themselves – for their self-awareness and personal growth, to reflect and re-assess, only then they can move on to look out for others. Here’s a checklist from Center for Creative Leadership for the resolutions for leaders to develop their companies.2
- Taking responsibility to develop and motivate their employees.
- Holding regular coaching conversations.
- Break stereotypes and challenge personal assumptions.
- Building trust in the workplace.
All these resolutions will build your leadership skills and your relationships with your employees, creating an ideal organisation that is proactive and productive. Furthermore, it will minimise making common mistakes that will disrupt the operations of your workplace.
For further help on setting and achieving resolutions, please contact Clover HR today.
1 Mind Tools: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/leadership-mistakes.
2 Center for Creative Leadership: https://www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/four-leadership-resolutions-for-new-year/